Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Bit More of Pondicherry

Here are a few more images from our trip to Pondicherry.

On the way to Pondi!
Another view of the market and temple.
E. Mae being blessed by the elephant.
Bart being blessed by the elephant.
Bart and Sandeep at the museum.
We visited a small community outside of Pondicherry named Auroville. This unique community, founded in 1968 by spiritual leader Mirra Alfassa, is very interesting, and a little hard to define. Residents are expected to lead a spiritual life, but there are no specific religions. "A place for trying to find one's conciousness," Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. Here is a link to their website if you'd like learn more: http://www.auroville.org/index.htm

Matrimandir, "The Mother's Shrine," at the center of Auroville. 

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